It was just a touch- a faint innocent touch which empowered me
To break the bounds of solitude which pained me every moment, and touch the sky
Just a mild lone touch- a truly unexpected touch which stupefied me
Out of my loneliness that was ever prevalent, and made me fly so high
Gone was the distracting commotion, and I delved into the outer realms
Gone was my blasphemous outlook, and a divine new aura engulfed me
Intermittent mirages flashing apparitions of a life without problems
Came into existence, leaving behind sweet refrains that would forever be
Gone was my blasphemous outlook, and a divine new aura engulfed me
Intermittent mirages flashing apparitions of a life without problems
Came into existence, leaving behind sweet refrains that would forever be
Sudden pangs of separation emerged from beyond the horizons of my euphoria
As soon as it departed, leaving behind lingering shadows of its presence
It overwhelmed me with inexplicable intricably concocted perpetuated symptoms of insomnia
And broke the conspicuous impenetrable facade over my inner self, insinuating me into delusions
As soon as it departed, leaving behind lingering shadows of its presence
It overwhelmed me with inexplicable intricably concocted perpetuated symptoms of insomnia
And broke the conspicuous impenetrable facade over my inner self, insinuating me into delusions
Then came the imminent imperative which hovered above the zenith of my perception
Was it the beginning? Or the end? Or the beginning of the end that would forever be?
Abstract, awry figments of imagination filled up my mind with misleading conclusions
25th September 2007- on that eventful day, I finally realized that I felt the touch of eternity...
Was it the beginning? Or the end? Or the beginning of the end that would forever be?
Abstract, awry figments of imagination filled up my mind with misleading conclusions
25th September 2007- on that eventful day, I finally realized that I felt the touch of eternity...